rd European Conference of Science Journalists: Early bird registration until end of May


ABSW logo with caption

The Association of British Science Writers (ABSW) and the European Union of Science Journalists’ Associations (EUSJA) are pleased to announce that the 3rd European Conference of Science Journalists is now open for registration.

Early bird rates run until the end of this month (May 2016) with costs as low as £20 plus VAT for students.  Discounted rates are available to individuals in membership of their country’s science journalism association (eg: ABSW).  Students can also apply for a limited number of scholarships to attend the Conference.

The conference is a satellite event to EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) which takes place at the same venue from 24 June onwards.

3rd ECSJ, Manchester Central, Manchester, Saturday 23 July 2016

Sessions include:

  • Highway robbery: Is Europe’s independent science news being hijacked by vested interests?
  • Outside the consensus – working for media that are ‘sceptical’ about climate change
  • Reporting on EU funded science: 80 billion Euro question
  • Crossborder Investigative Journalism: Resistant Germs in Europe

Speakers and chairs confirmed so far include:

  • Steve Connor, former science editor of the Independent, UK
  • Deborah Blum, director of the Knight Science Journalism program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
  • Pampa G Molina, former newspaper journalist now the editor of Spain’s Agencia SINC
  • Slobodan Bubnjevic, newspaper journalist/editor and now editor of Serbia’s Elementi website and print magazine
  • Felicity Mellor, Senior Lecturer, Central Faculty, School of Professional Development & course leader MSc Science Communication, Imperial College London, UK
  • Geoffrey Lean, former Daily Telegraph columnist and environment reporter, UK

The ABSW Science Writers Awards for Great Britain and Ireland, including the European Science Writer of the Year Award, will be presented at a reception after the 3rd ECSJ at Jodrell Bank after which you can enjoy the events taking place at Jodrell Bank’s Bluedot Festival – including Jean-Michel Jarre and Air.

Why not extend your visit to Manchester and attend ESOF?   Media registration is free for press and science communicators who meet the accreditation criteria.

For full details and to register for the ECSJ visit the ABSW website.